Mise à Jour April 2024 / Last update April 2024
Le conseil d'administration de Young Citizens of the World / Jeunes Citoyens du Monde
Directeur et co-fondateur / Director and Co-Founder: Marc-Andre Tremblay, Certified Teacher with 18 years of experience teaching and developing schools.

Co-Fondateur/Co-Founder: Dr. Albert Tam CPA, a founder of many educational projects, entrepreneur in various fields and a lifelong advocate for the cause of the U.N SDGs.

Porte-Parole Officielle pour YCW / YCW Official brand ambassador: Genevieve Borne

Fondatrice de Pennies4girls / From Maryland, USA and also founder of Pennies4girls: (In Maryland, USA) Davinia James Stewart

Acteur réputé / Proud Canadian and legendary 80's and 90's actor, voiceover artist, writer and director Michael Ironside

(In Whitehorse, Yukon) Inuit Youth Activist & Prime Minister's Youth Council Alumni Ashley Cummings - Ashley Cummings, jeune militante inuite et ancienne membre du Conseil jeunesse du premier ministre

L'équipe exécutive de JCM / Young Citizens of the World Executive Team
Clive Heah - (In Surrey, BC) YCW Executive Director / Directeur Exécutif
Derek Tam - (In Vancouver, BC) Chief Financial Officer / Trésorier
Amie Reid - (In Regina, Saskatchewan) Secretary / Secrétaire
Nicole Semler - (In Brandon, Manitoba) Strategic Partnerships Manager for English Language / Partenariats Anglophones
Lola Fredj - (In Montreal, Quebec) French Language Communications Director and Strategic Partnership Manager for French Language / Partenariats Francophones
Chris Ford - (In Saskatoon, Saskatchewan) Information Specialist / Recherchiste
Cynthia Teixeira - (In Rock Hill, South Carolina, USA) Francophonie & Manie Musicale
Selena Pye - (In Old Crow, Yukon) Indigenous Relations / Relations Autochtones
Tierra Glover - (In Syracuse, New York, USA) Learning Coordinator & Educational Contents / Conseillère en contenus éducatifs
Peter Roth (In Vancouver, BC) Legal Advice / Conseiller légal