Coast to Coast: How Children Came Together During a Pandemic tells a fantastic story of how children from a school in Vancouver, Canada (West Coast) met a school from Halifax, Nova Scotia (East Coast) and together decided they should use the pandemic to do something good for the planet. Along the way they met (on Zoom) a long list of extraordinary people who encouraged them, mentored them and talked and listened to their fears, hopes, dreams about the planet and about the unprecedented Covid-19 coronavirus.
Many of these individuals contributed to this book, and children and adults alike can join in finding the (sometimes hidden) contributions each of these personalities made to this unique book. All proceeds of the sales of this book will be given to a charity designed by AFN and ITK for clean water access for indigenous communities of Northern Canada. Every year, YCW and its partners will release a book reviewing their interviews of that year and targeting one of the U.N 17 goals for sustainable development based on children's input.
Merci! Thank you! Nakuurmik!