YGC met Tom Power yesterday!
JCM a rencontré Tom Power hier!

YCW's 64th interview (we hadn't realized how many it's been)

YCW's Season 3 interview with @qwithtompower

Henry: Good morning Young Global Citizens. We are young people, about the same age as Judy Bloom’s character “Can you hear me God? It’s me Margaret”. Like her, we are discovering the world and ourselves. We realize the world is facing unprecedented crises and that we must grow up and be the change we want to see in the world.

Madison: Welcome to our fellow students and teachers across Canada and the world. We know you also want to make a positive impact on the world around us. Today another very influential guest is joining us. We believe he is also a person lending his voice in the fight for social justice and environmental sustainability.

Questions for Tom Power:

Cloverdale Catholic School in Surrey, BC:

1- Mr. Power can you tell us about important teachings you may have received from your family or other influential role models as you were growing up.

Natalia, at Blessed Sacrament school in Vancouver, BC will now ask

2- How did you transition from being a musician to becoming a show host? How do you feel about your stellar career and what could you possibly dream of doing next?

Mackenzie in Saskatoon will now ask:

3- What makes a great interview? How did you improve your interviewing skills? What are some interviews that shook you to the core?

Cloverdale Catholic School in Surrey BC will ask

4- We know you care deeply about Indigenous issues and have met dozens of hugely inspiring Indigenous figures. Two weeks ago, we met with AFN National Chief Roseanne Archibald. She told us about the sacredness of water and how much of an issue water will be for Indigenous communities and for all humanity for decades to come. Can you tell us about your feelings on this issue?

5- C arter, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan will ask: What would you put in a time capsule to be opened by children 30 years from today?

6- Our student hosts will now ask:

Monyka: We find there are a lot of people who are shaping society and giving us hope for the planet, but who are not necessarily famous or well-known by our Youth.

Sophia: If you have a few minutes available and if we obtain amazing guests whom we think Canada would love, and whom you would love, would you consider coming back to introduce and maybe host some of our future interviews so a new generation of children can get to know hugely important figures of art, culture, sport, activism and more?

Finley: Alternatively, if you have amazing upcoming guests, whom you think children would benefit in meeting, would you pass along a question from us or consider allowing one of our students on your future interviews to ask a question on behalf of Canadian students?

Keverne, a teacher in Oshawa, Ontario will invite Tom Power to ask a question of his own about who we are, what we do, why we do it, or any other question Tom would like to ask.

Step 7 Students everywhere: Thank you Tom Power!