Hello Global Citizens!

Young Global Citizens started in Vancouver, Canada as an online education company in 2017. At that time, we developed the concept of ‘world camps’ for older children to mentor younger children abroad and to bring kids together online and offline. We finally evolved into a nationwide and worldwide Youth movement to advocate social justice and effect positive change in communities.  

Our leading principles are:  

Empowerment & Inclusion:  We aim to be multilingual. Canadian bilingualism is strongly promoted. All cultures and faiths are represented and welcomed.

Discovery & Inquiry: Students must take lead and constantly question themselves and the world around them. As they conduct interviews with exceptional achievers, students are inspired and become even more curious as they investigate and learn basic skills of journalism as well as the ethics involved.  

Citizenship & Engagement: Young Global Citizens also elaborate and lead community service projects to make a difference in neighbourhoods across the country. One current project our Youth are currently advocating is access to clean water for over 40 indigenous communities of Canada.

Growth as Future Leaders: Students study and seek to emulate the example of successful Youth who grew to have a global influence because of their passion, research and their communication and social skills. With their teachers as facilitators, YGC become young ambassadors of Canadian values everywhere they go.  

We have gathered some students from our movement all over Canada, USA and France, and we have asked them to provide three things:  

- Their name, school and location  

- A cause that is dear to their heart  

- What it means to them to be a Global Citizen.  

These were the results:  

"Hello! I am Jade and I am 12 years old from Blessed Sacrament School in Vancouver, Canada. 2 years ago we started working on a movement that would bring young people together to shape a better world. We felt even elementary age students had something valuable to contribute, and talents and skills to share. Together, we created Young Global Citizens with our teachers and parents. We wrote and recorded a theme song, we had mini-camps with children from other countries, and so much more. Today we are leading series of interviews around the world to find out what it means to be a Global Citizen. A cause that I am passionate about is sharing about my culture, which is the Filipino culture. I am also a proud Canadian and I want everyone to feel welcome in this movement. That is what it means to be a Global Citizen, that we value and accept everyone. Thank you"  

"Hello my name is Sean, and I am 12 years old. Like Jade, I am from Vancouver where we started the idea of promoting positive values and making a difference. One thing I am passionate about is ocean life and water in general. I love fishing, I love swimming, and I love drinking water. I am worried ocean life is being devastated by climate change. That is why I am an active Young Global Citizen. I want to meet with scientists and learn real science and what science can do to find lasting sustainable solutions for our planet."  

"Hi. My name is ________. I am 11 years old, from Victoria, BC. When we did our first interview with Senator Mobina S.B Jaffer, we didn't know what to expect. It was our first introduction to Young Global Citizens. Senator Jaffer was so interesting to talk to, it really lifted our spirits to see how else we could be involved. Now, we have become aware of the Ban Ki-Moon Centre for Global Citizens. We are made aware of its important work for the cause of women, education, and so much more. The girls and boys in my class have decided to create our own chapter of the Young Global Citizens club. We work and exchange with other schools, we do research together, we exchange questions, we attend every live interview, and we co-host every chance we get. What's most important to me is to do something, because we only have one planet, and we want to make sure it's still there by the time we grow up."  

"Salut! Nous sommes ________ et _______. Nous avons _____ ans et ______ ans. Nous sommes de l'institut Marco Polo, à Autun, en France, un institut qui aime promouvoir le chant, l'art culinaire, et les échanges culturels. Quand YGC nous a demandé de faire l'entrevue avec Mme Harvey, du centre Ban Ki-Moon, nous étions curieux, nerveux, et excités. Nous sommes débutants en anglais alors notre enseignante Mme Brown a passé beaucoup de temps à étudier les principes du journalisme avec nous en anglais, afin que nous ayons au moins la base de savoir poser les question, avoir la bonne diction, et comprendre de quoi l'on parlait! Une cause qui nous est chère à nous c'est ________. Pour nous ce que cela signifie d'être "Citoyens du Monde" c'est que _____________________________________________.

"Hello, we are the Cheetahs for Change in Charles P. Allen High School, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. We are an IB school and we also foster values of world cooperation and discovery. What matters most to us is ____________________. Our hopes for this movement is _________________. We are happy to join forces with Young Global Citizens in building a coast to coast network."

Young Global Citizens is now conducting series of Zoom interviews with business, cultural, political and social leaders around the globe who are also trying to enact change. We learn from them and we are inspired by them. Our goal is to build a global coalition and report to our Prime Minister Mr. Justin Trudeau on our findings. On December 14, 2020, we look forward to our Zoom interview with Katrin Harvey, COO of Ban Ki-Moon Centre for Global Citizens. This interview will be led by our partner Marco Polo Institute in Autun, France. Now we have Young Global Citizens in North America, Europe and Asia. We hope to add schools in Africa, Oceania and South America. Another big goal is to someday meet Mr. Ban Ki-Moon someday, and to be of help to the U.N and to the world in fulfilling No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health and Well-being, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Clean Water and Sanitation, Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Reduced Inequality, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action, Life Below Water, Life on Land, Peace and Justice Strong Institutions. 

Our website is youngglobalcitizens.onfabrik.com. We can be found mostly on Linkedin, also on Facebook, Youtube and Twitter.