Catholic schools all over the country loved our interview and were proud to be represented and give their students a precious and valuable glimpse into the wisdom of BC Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, probably the busiest person in BC right now.
We value our Catholic roots. It is important to mention other non-catholic schools were also present. This interview was extremely valuable because health is of course paramount, and because it helped us connect to dozens of schools across the country who are now joining our growing movement for future interviews.
We are providing the link to one newspaper the "BC Catholic". We have received many kind and friendly request from school boards across Canada to share the interview and the concept behind our series of interviews. We see fellow Catholic schools and all schools, regardless of their status or denomination, as our educational family for the growth of children everywhere, and we welcome you to YGC, especially as we prepare for our interview with Assembly of First Nations National Chief Perry Bellegarde tomorrow.
Link to the BC Catholic article: